Saturday, December 20, 2008


first of all today is another snowy day here in hillsboro...but today is by far much worse then it has been for the past week, i dont know the real numbers but i think we have gotten at least 6 inches of snow and its still coming down like crazy!!!!

now for something im super proud of and excited about! i put Riley to bed in his crib (for the first time) and he woke up when i put him down but after about 5 mintues of talking to himself he fell fast asleep...IN HIS CRIB, WITHOUT ME HOLDING HIM!!! thank god, i can finally have some adult time while the baby is sleeping!!!!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


check out the link to see the photos we had taken the week before christmas...they were expensive, but it was soooo nice to have them come to the house instead of having to pack everything up and go to a studio!!

Monday, December 8, 2008


yay for craigslist!! i just finished buying our stock of gdiapers meds and larges! we now will have enough diaps to last us until Riley is out of diapers!!! i am so excited that i no longer need to shop for diapers out of necesity, now any diapes i buy will be simply because im indulging/splurging on special extras!!!!! im washing the vanilla diaps that i dyed and will post pictures of them as soon as they are washed so the final color is as faded as its going to get!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


im not really sure why Dan (my husband) keeps me around, i hate cleaning, i hate doing laundry and even though i like cooking sometimes im pretty much too lazy to cook these days...BUT this weekend between dan and i we got all the dishes done and all the dishes done

on another note i have been experimenting with making natural dye's to dye Rileys white soon as i have them all (3 of them) done and all washed up (so they are the color they will be) i will post pictures. i have one dyed in coffee (which dan and i have shirts from hawaii done like this, and if the diap turns out like our shirts it will look great!), one dyed in grass and spinach, and the other i am hoping to either do in blackberries (if i can find some) or bjlueberries...we will see how it works!

Friday, December 5, 2008

who NEEDS sleep??

certinaly not least that is what Riley seems to think. yesterday we attended ASL playgroup for the first time, and we had a wonderful time. after group Riley and I went to West Linn tio visit a little girl I used to work with and her mom. the whole day was great, i was soooo thankful to get out of the house, but being that we were out all day meant that when Riley napped I couldnt snuggle up with him and nap as well, actually yesterday Riley didnt nap nearly as much as he normally does (and he was still happy). so because of those 2 things i was really hoping that he would sleep for at least 4 hours straight last night, but NO this stinker decided he needed to eat every 1.5 to 2 hours last needless to say IM TIRED!!! we are not leaving our house today and im going to sleep for at least a quarter of the day!

Monday, November 24, 2008


I knew I couldn't keep this up! I was putting pictures up on the web and found this super cute picture of Riley I just have to share with everyone.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

nipple shields

thank god, throw a party!!! Riley weaned himself from the nipple has been 3 days and ive only used the shield for a minute or two when i was super engorged to make it so he could latch onto my breast (i was too engorged for him to latch naturally). im

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

to me!!!! so today is my 26th mom offered to watch Riley so Dan and I could go out to dinner. Riley did really well with her, Dan and I were only out for 1.5 hours so all he did was sleep and play with grandma, we didnt need to leave her a bottle of breastmilk or anything which is good becuase my breasts get really full if Riley goes more then 3 hours without nursing. Anyway now I'm off to vote...

Friday, October 31, 2008

thanks grandma

oh my, so my mom stopped by yesterday afternoon and was playing with Riley. She is a physical therapist so she is all over checking Riley's gross motor movements, so she was playing with him on the floor doing tummy time, and she helped Riley roll over from his tummy to his back and then last night when I was changing his diaper I rolled him onto his tummy to velcro his diaper and he rolled over onto his back...great now I cannot leave him on the changing table while I grab some clothes to dress him in...thanks mom!

1 month!

my baby is one month old now!!! wow, how time flies, i cannot believe that it has already been a month!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

photos of my little man

here are 2 links to pictures of my little cutie!! leave me a comment about them!

last night

uggg...i really thought i was oing to get lucky and have Riley start slepping better at night since he slept 6 hours the other night, but no...last night he slept for the usual 4 hours woke up to nurse and then was up for the rest of the night maybe with little 15 minute cat naps, but i as up trying to console him and feed him from 2am to 6am when i woke up daddy and made him take a turn because i was so tired and frusterated. today he's a happy baby though so hopefully this leads us to a good night.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm going to give this a try

alright, I have tried blogging in the past but it always fizzled out after a few posts, but life is different now, I'm not working or going to school now and I'm a wife and a mom. i love my son so so much! but tonight he is trying me...last night he slept for 6 hours straight, i was in heaven this morning! we had a great day today. we had coffee with Jaimey and Grayson, then picked up Daddy and took him out to the Habitat for Humanity site that his team from work was volunteering at and had lunch there, we came home from lunch with daddy and his coworkers and napped and ate...BUT then around 4:30 he woke up hungry so I tried nursing him but all he did was scream, we changed his diaper but it didn't help, he felt warm so i put a onsie on him instead of the long sleeve and pant body suit he had on, but he still daddy put him in the car and took him out to get some dinner for us while i pumped to relieve the building pressure in my breasts. wish me luck that tonight goes better then this evening has so far.